Netlink Integration Platform (NIP) for IPLA/SIL Replacement

Swift Compatible Messaging Bus which is an alternative to Biztalk/IIB/Oracle Fusion/RedHat Openshift applying Service Oriented Architecture –  SOA

SWIFT IPLA Replacement

Paving the Way for Enhanced Banking Integration

Introduction of T/NIP

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

NIP - A Feature-Rich Integration Platform

Swift Alliance Cloud / ACV

Alliance Cloud Connector
Alliance Cloud Virtual

ISO 20022 Migration Accelerator

Accelerate the migration to ISO 20022 standards, enabling seamless adoption and compliance with industry requirements.

Integration with core banking

SOAP – IBM MQ – File – Active MQ
LAU – Digital Signature

Swift Alliance Cloud / ACV

Alliance Cloud Connector
Alliance Cloud Virtual

Swift Alliance Cloud / ACV

Alliance Cloud Connector
Alliance Cloud Virtual

IPLA Use Cases

  • Effective Manipulation of Arrays:
    Large arrays can be processed to update values without generating a new array.

  • List Filtering and Transformation in-Place:
    Modifying or eliminating entries from an array without making a new duplicate.

  • Image Processing Matrix Operations:
    Converting the values of pixels in an image’s matrix (2D array) representation in real time.

  • Data Sorting and Reorganization:
    Large datasets are sorted in memory for effective space use.


  • Portfolio Management Financial Calculations:
    Modifying an asset portfolio’s values in real time in response to market data.

  • Sensor Data Processing in Batch:
    Adjusting sensor data values in real time without making duplicates in order to save memory.


  • Using Less Memory in Machine Learning:
    Preprocessing datasets prevents data duplication and gets them ready for machine learning models.

  • Handling Network Packets:
    For effective packet processing, network packet headers are updated in real time.

  • ETL Procedures and Data Conversion:
    Modifying records in a dataset during an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process in place for more efficient resource use.

NIP IPLA Adapter Architecture

Why Choose Netlink Integration Platform as an Alternative to IPLA?

By providing a more comprehensive and scalable solution for data integration, translation, and processing—especially in complex environments—the Netlink Integration Platform (NIP) may prove to be a flexible substitute for IPLA (In-Place Addition).

Key Features

Customizable for All IPLA Use Cases

Centralized Data Repository

Seamless Integration with Diverse Systems

Advanced Payment Tracking and Confirmation

Simplified Migration to ISO 20022

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